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Ticket To Ride Board Game

Profie image Mh Kz

Set about your own train adventure as you build & lay train tracks from one route to another in this award winning board game from Days of Wonder. Ticket to ride is a super fun strategic board game where players compete & go about building tracks across the United States, connecting one train station to another. A super easy & interactive game play, Ticket to Ride can be played between two - five players. Play the game by laying out the board & picking a color, shuffle & deal four train cards to each player. Proceed to shuffle & deal three destination cards to each player respectively, but make sure to keep your destination cards hidden from your opponents till the end of the game. Through the game, plan the perfect strategy, compete for train cards & run your trains between iconic American cities. The player with the most travel experience goes first. Choose among drawing 2 train cards, claim a route or draw destination tickets. The objective is to have the most points, gain points by placing trains on the board and connect two cities, complete destination cards & have the longest continuous train by the end of the game. The player with the longest railway routes get a bonus of 10 points!

Ticket To Ride Board Game

Language : English


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